
hospice winston-salem
Wednesday October 14th, 2015

Celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness Month

It is hard these days to not be aware that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Pink is everywhere, from socks of NFL football players to lids of Yoplait Yogurt. Of course, as with everything, there are people who argue the pros and cons of this multi-media, national exposure. But there is no denying that the work done by many foundations to raise money for research and educate the public on the importance of proper screening for early detection is doing good.
hospice & palliative carecenter
Thursday October 8th, 2015

What does "prognosis" mean?

It's natural to wonder how bad a serious condition is. Will treatment be effective? The prediction of recovery, in medical terms, is called a "prognosis." Many conditions are difficult to predict. Cancers, on the other hand, run a fairly expectable course. A cancer prognosis, for instance, depends on
hospice winston-salem
Thursday August 27th, 2015

Osteoarthritis and physical activity

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. It afflicts more than one-third of American adults over age 65. This arthritis comes on slowly with age and is more common in women. If your loved one has complained of joint stiffness or achiness, make a doctor's appointment for a diagnosis. Although osteoarthritis has no cure, the pain can be managed. Motion is lotion! Surprisingly, the key to living well with osteoarthritis is to keep moving. Research shows that regular physical, whole-body activity reduces arthritis pain over time.
Thursday August 20th, 2015

What to do after a death

If you know the end is near, anticipating the tasks that follow a death can make it easier when the time comes. Get the word out. Ask one or two family members or friends to contact others. Use your relative's calendar and address book for names. Don't forget the dentist, beauty shop, and other service providers. Contact groups your relative belonged to (bingo, exercise, community service, etc.). Consider placing an obituary in the local newspaper.
Thursday August 13th, 2015

Living with purpose

"Meaning helps us see in the dark."  Rachel Naomi Remen, MD When life seems overwhelming, purpose helps us find meaning and stay true to our values. And research indicates that leading a purposeful life pays all kinds of dividends. People who report living with a sense of meaning and purpose are found to have
Thursday July 30th, 2015

The "Sandwich Generation"

Parents are living longer. Children are often dependent for more years than expected. Add to this the ongoing responsibilities to spouse/partner and jobs, and there is little wiggle room for the millions of family caregivers who find themselves in today's "Sandwich Generation."  It's easy to feel guilty and lose sight of the joy in your life when you are pressed on all sides. To support your resilience and make sandwich caregiving more gratifying, dedicate some quality time on a daily or weekly basis to each of your key relationships.
hospice winston-salem
Thursday July 16th, 2015

When Dad resists a walker

For many older adults, use of a walker carries great stigma. It's a symbol of disability and often of isolation. In actual fact, a walker can be the key to staying safely and actively engaged with favorite activities. A walker is superior to a cane because