
Wednesday July 23rd, 2008

Summer Circular 2007

Time With Patients — “Refreshing” — One Medical Student’s Reflections; Peace Of Mind Is A Wonderful Gift — A Gift of Certainty in a Time of Uncertainty; Building A Vision For The Future... — HPCC is the absolute best choice for hospice care because we provide unmatched care; Bungee Jumper Takes The Plunge For Hospice; and more
Friday April 25th, 2008

Spring Circular 2008

Driven to Help Others — Staff Member in the Spotlight, Judy Moore, RN; Morphine Myths — All you ever wanted to know and more; Because of You; Virginia Foxx Visits Winston-Salem Campus; and more
Saturday September 8th, 2007

Fall Circular 2007

Sole Tapping Is Good For The Soul — Music and Other Therapies Complement Holistic Approach to Care; Finding Comfort & Companionship After The Loss Of A Spouse — Widows and Widowers are Making New Friends; It Really Does Take A Village; and more
Friday September 8th, 2006

Fall Circular 2006

Grief Comes In Waves; Tips For Coping With The Holidays; Overwhelmed By Happenings For Hospice — Generate Money For Hospice While Surfing and Shopping On-Line; What Do Individuals Who Are Dying Really Want?; and more
Tuesday June 27th, 2006

Summer Circular 2006

Looking Back 12 Months — Challenging Choices; A Message from the CEO — Labyrinith Walk, Hospice: A “Cornerstone” of our Community; Family, Staying Together & Hospice — Memories Set In Stone; and more