end of life care

hospice & palliative carecenter
Tuesday March 1st, 2016

Your Support Matters!

If you’ve ever been in the situation of choosing hospice care for a family member or loved one, you know that paying for the service is the last thing on your mind. Instead, you’re concentrating on keeping that person as comfortable and cared for as possible, and of course you want the very best environment for them in their time of need.
hospice & palliative carecenter
Thursday October 8th, 2015

What does "prognosis" mean?

It's natural to wonder how bad a serious condition is. Will treatment be effective? The prediction of recovery, in medical terms, is called a "prognosis." Many conditions are difficult to predict. Cancers, on the other hand, run a fairly expectable course. A cancer prognosis, for instance, depends on
hospice winston-salem
Thursday June 4th, 2015

Living with uncertainty

If you are supporting a seriously ill family member, your relative's condition and needs could change at any time. Such uncertainty creates practical problems. (You may suddenly need to leave work to take him or her to the doctor.) It also comes with an emotional cost. Doubts and the unpredictable can be hard to bear. You may put off decisions because you are not sure exactly how things will turn out. You may even find yourself wishing for something to happen right now, just to end the uncertainty.
Thursday May 21st, 2015

Dealing with denture care

Dentures need the same level of care and attention as natural teeth do. Bacteria and fungi that grow on teeth can also infect a dental appliance. Pressure spots on the gums can lead to pain and potential infection. Poor denture care can also result in stains and bad breath. Encourage your family member to develop a solid routine.
hospice winston-salem
Thursday December 4th, 2014

Gifts for those with memory loss

Deciding what holiday gifts to give a person with memory loss can be challenging. Following are some tips to share with family members. The gift of time: A special date to share cookies and send holiday cards to others A time to share and wrap gifts (before the rush) Attending seasonal music events or caroling together A person with early-stage memory loss is often still striving to do his or her usual activities. Gifts that provide reminder systems or simplify daily tasks are useful.
hospice winston-salem
Wednesday June 25th, 2014

Should Dad move in?

Combining households has many benefits: less hassle running back and forth between two residences, less worry about Dad eating well and remembering his meds, more family social time for him, cost savings on rent and utilities, etc. But if things do not work out, disentangling could cause hurt feelings and damage your relationship. Consider these questions before you move in together. Relationships and life style
hospice winston-salem
Thursday December 19th, 2013

Constructive criticism: when to speak up

Caring for a family member often involves collaborating with other relatives. Sometimes you will agree. Sometimes you won't. Debating every item may not be the best use of family time. In some situations, the wisest course is to be quiet and let others do it their way. That said, there are times when you should speak up, specifically when another person’s safety or deep well-being is at risk. One simple way to decide when to speak is to ask yourself the following three questions:
hospice winston-salem
Wednesday December 4th, 2013

Cultivating gratitude when the going gets tough

Thanksgiving is our annual celebration of gratitude. But if someone dear to you is seriously ill this year, the very last thing you might be feeling is gratitude. In fact, our national celebration is a response to hard times. We honor the Pilgrims’ giving of thanks for coming through a harrowing year. And today, research shows that it is in tough times that we benefit most from a grateful approach. Gratitude helps us
hospice winston-salem
Wednesday November 20th, 2013

Cultivating gratitude when the going gets tough

Thanksgiving is our annual celebration of gratitude. But if someone dear to you is seriously ill this year, the very last thing you might be feeling is gratitude. In fact, our national celebration is a response to hard times. We honor the Pilgrims’ giving of thanks for coming through a harrowing year. And today, research shows that it is in tough times that we benefit most from a grateful approach. Gratitude helps us