managing pain

hospice winston-salem
Thursday February 5th, 2015

Myths and facts about pain medicine

Many patients and families have inaccurate notions about prescription drugs that relieve pain. "Palliative care"—the medical discipline of making comfort a priority, especially at the end of life—is a relatively new field. As a consequence, people often make medication decisions on the basis of an incomplete understanding of the issues. The following are some of the most common myths about the use of opioids for pain relief:
hospice winston-salem
Thursday October 2nd, 2014

Myths and facts about pain medicine

Many patients and families have inaccurate notions about prescription drugs that relieve pain. "Palliative care"—the medical discipline of making comfort a priority, especially at the end of life—is a relatively new field. As a consequence, people often make medication decisions on the basis of an incomplete understanding of the issues. The following are some of the most common myths about the use of opioids for pain relief: